The Nutcracker
All Jazz'd Up
Nutcracker Ticket Sales Link Click Here

Tap Dancing Mice, Twirling Snowflakes, Jazzy Dolls, and a Rockette Style Kickline!
This show has it all!

Every student age 3 - 18

No! Everyone can dance and join in the fun!
Practice will be on Sundays sometime between 12pm-8pm. Each cast member will have a 30 minute rehearsal time assigned to them (per part). Youngest dancers get the earlier time slots - Time slots announced after we complete the sign up process and cast the show. If the assigned rehearsal time does not work for your family, you may withdraw.

There are 7 rehearsals in total and they are all MANDATORY! It is really had to produce a show and learn all the choreography in just 7 practices. We really need the dancers to be able to commit to the full 7 weeks. Of course, if you are sick and need to miss we will not dismiss you from the show :)
Practices begin on Sunday Oct. 27th and the last rehearsal will be Sunday December 8th
We will have rehearsal over Thanksgiving weekend Sunday December 1st.
This all concludes with the Show Date on Sunday December 15th at 6:00pm. There will be a stage run through for all Middle School and High School aged dancers at 3:00pm that same day. Show run time is 90 minutes.

There is a $125. participation fee for each dancer.
This covers:
Your costume rental
Your 7 weeks of dance rehearsal classes
Professional video recording of the show
Professional action photography
Tickets to see the show will be separate. They will be $27 per person and available for purchase online. Links will be e-mailed later.